Monday, August 23, 2010

Day 31 of treatment - 2 more to go. We have an appointment with the Oncologist tomorrow. I've told you all I'll let you know what happens next. As soon as I know, you'll know.

Thank you all for your comments on Friday's Blog. Thanks to those of you who e-mail and respond outside of the Blog.

Tom wasn't feel great over the weekend.

His throat is burning. It's hard to swallow. He's sick of eating eggs and soup. Oh yes, and we've added Jello to the diet.

This weekend he asked me to buy some Funny Bones and Ring Dings. Much to my better judgement I did as he asked because I thought even that trash is better than nothing. We'll see if he actually ends up eating them or if I end up throwing them out.

Jeanne thanks for stopping this weekend. I guess the Reiki treatment was not to be. Tom wasn't feeling well.

Jeff, if you're reading this. Thank you so much for your weekly visits. We couldn't ask for a better friend. We are so very appreciative. Thank you.

Thank you Andrew for your e-mail and offers to help. They are truly appreciated.

Thank you so much Kelly for your Blog today. You said some very kind things. I'll look forward to the manicure and pedicure.

If any of you haven't had the opportunity to see the DVD, Food, Inc. I encourage you to see it. I have it if there is anyone who would like to borrow it. Once you've watched it you will be as intent as I am about buying organic products and consuming organic foods. It's pretty disturbing. If we, as consumers, don't take a stand who will? I believe our future depends on it. Ok, I'll stop preaching but if you get a chance to see the DVD, please do.

I continue to be in awe at the prayers, e-mails, calls and all the support that we continue to get from all of you. We will be forever grateful. Thank you so much!!

1 comment:

  1. Mom, I only speak the truth. As soon as daddy gets better, I will send Jeff over with a bacon cheeseburger, and beer, and you and I are will head to Boston for the day. The pedicure and manicure are on me too.
    Another Thank you for doanting to my breast cancer walk I am truly greatful for it.
