Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Day 17 of treatment.

This will be a short post, not much to report.

One day of radiation and one day closer to the next round of Chemo.

Tom was given a Procrit injection today but didn't need any hydration. That's a good thing.

It's getting harder to find things he will eat. It hurts him to swallow. The doctor prescribed mouthwash that he has to gargle with and swallow four times a day. It makes his mouth and throat numb so he can swallow. Although the radiation isn't targeted at his throat they can't help but hit the throat when administering the radiation to his lung. I tried protein powder in his mashed potatoes. Anything is better than nothing. At least he ate it. Yesterday the doctor told him he has to eat more protein. Easier said than done.

I received an e-mail from a friend today with the following quote that I will end today's post with.

"Sieze the day. Never have regrets. And most importantly, stay close to your friends and family for they have helped make you the person you are today."

As always, thank you friends and family for being there for us. We love you all.

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