Thursday, August 12, 2010

Day 24 of treatment -

Not much new to report. Tom was better than yesterday, not as good as the day before. We take each day as it comes.

He didn't take a nap today though, which he usually does.

We long for the days when he feels great and can do the things he used to do.

Jeanne came to the hospital to visit during Chemo today. Thanks Jeanne. It's always fun to have company and it's a long time to sit with not much to do.

Jeanne reminded us (me) of something very important today. Not only is Tom going through this grueling therapy but he quit smoking in May, cold turkey. I keep forgetting that it probably isn't just the therapy that's getting him down but I'm sure the withdrawal from smoking has it's impact as well.

I applaud him for all he's going through, including quitting smoking, and I am so very proud of him.

I know I've mentioned it in previous Blogs, in addition to the comments that sometimes appear on the Blog we get e-mails from folks giving us suggestions, sending well wishes or just checking in.

Thanks Anne for the powdered milk suggestion. We'll try anything at this point.

Thanks Ted for the e-mail. Tom thought it was pretty funny! It's always good to get a laugh.

Any of you who know Tom knows that he does practically everything around the house, at least anything to do with outside (and the numerous remodeling projects). Some of you who also know him know that he does it because he likes to do things that keep him moving and those of you who don't know - he does it because no one else could do it right!

In any case, for the 23, or so years that we have lived here I can count on one hand how many times I have been to the Canterbury dump. I decided to help Tom and start going to the dump with him (that's probably his only outing other than to therapy). I had my third trip on Wednesday. Now I know why he complains when I put too much in the barrel or don't close the bags tight enough. I guess we can all learn something new each day.

For those of you who don't know me well I work with various clients performing financial audits. I have not told most of the clients I work with about Tom, mainly because it's hard for me. One of the few I have told sent me an e-mail telling me that the Blog was a good way for me to talk to someone rather than keeping everything to myself. It occurred to me, he is absolutely right! This is my therapy. For all of you therapists out there willing to listen I am eternally grateful and it sure is cheaper than hiring a therapist (unless of course you start sending me bills). All joking aside, this means more to me than I can say. Just to have you in our corner means everything. Thank you again!!!

I can't say it enough to all of you who read the Blog, send e-mails, call, visit, pray, and give us your well wishes. Hang in there with us! We are so appreciative of all you do and you're just being there.


  1. LOL about the dump trip. So did you have the gathering after the dump in the garage....just kidding but I know that was part of the Wednesday night fun for Tom, and I know he will once again see all his friends on Wednesday nights after the dump trip. ;)

  2. Hahahaha, now that Jeff works so much I have to go to the dump, and I hate it, but I feel you on now knowing why they complain when it is not done right at home. I am thinking of getting a second job so I can pay someone to pick up my dump. (Just kidding, cause they would not recycle and that would make me really angry).
