Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Day 28 of treatment. Day 28 - can you imagine!!! This has been some Summer!

Radiation again today. Tom didn't do very well. Just when there is one good day, the following day, not so much.

You, who have been reading the Blog, know that Tom had aggressive Chemo treatments. Having Chemo every day for 6 days, two weeks off, and 6 days again is very aggressive. He's done great so far. He is so weak, has lost so much weight and yet he goes in there every day, like a trooper. On top of all that, to quit smoking, quit drinking and have the kind of treatments he's having I couldn't be more proud. To be fair, I don't think he really "quit" drinking, the carbonation hurts his throat. But he did quit smoking and for that I applaud him.

You guys are great to keep reading to Blog to see how he's doing. I'm so glad to have you in our corner!

Thanks so much for the Blog comments. I know I've said this before but I have to say it again, they're great! In fact, the following comments will respond, in some way, to each one.

Jeanne, you are sooooo much like your brother. You'll go for coffee as long as he pays. For you who know Tom really well he would say the same thing!

Pip, when Tom feels up to it, make sure you go for the banana split! Preferably, before he returns to drinking Mich light. I don't think they go well together.

I referred to Kelly's Blog yesterday because she had some really awesome things to say about her Dad (all true by the way!!). I thought because I could see her Blog you all could. Evidently that may not be the case. She put her Blog link on her comment for any of you who want to read what she had to say about Tom. It's under the "Art Class" Blog.

Tam, you know your father too well. Walk, maybe, run never!! You reading this, who know Tom, know that he goes one pace, always, without exception.

Tom, thanks so much for the kinds words re: General Services and DOT. They are very much appreciated. This experience has certainly taught me what a great group of people State employees are. They have been so kind and caring. Thanks to all of you!! Lest I forget the organic beer comment - I suppose if you drink enough beer I would guess one would not care if it were organic or not!

Yes, I'm determined to stay with organic products. I know in a previous Blog I mentioned that Tom only wants Maxwell House coffee. I was able to find an organic faux Maxwell House close enough that Tom hasn't noticed the difference. Thanks Nan for telling me about Yuban!

I'll close today's Blog with one last note - Tom said the first thing he wants when he's feeling better is a Wendy's bacon cheeseburger and fries (not the double one because that's too much). Ok, Ok, so it's not organic. When he's feeling better he can have Wendy's every day if he wants!!!

Maybe not one more note to close. I can't close the Blog without thanking you all again so much for all you're doing to help us through this. Thank you!!!


  1. OK I have a great idea. I'm going to go buy a Mic light, open it, put it in the frig for the day and then bring it over just before dinner!! Tom told me he likes a nice cold one with his newspaper in the afternoon. I'll see you soon with your FLAT Mic light. ;) And, I won't even as for $$ for the beer!!!

  2. Was that too much of a walk for you Tom? Tomorrow you can sit and watch them cut the tree’s…
    Tell Tom I will take him for the banana split before him and Chickie get into the Mic Light….He told him the other day he can’t wait to have one….that should put some weight back on him….. pip

  3. Just a side note, Yes you can buy organic beer, and is not too bad, you can even buy gluten free beer, although I do not reccomend that its a little yucky, beer without wheat should just not be beer.
    One more thing, although it is not a Mic-light(yuck) Let dad know that I had a harpoon summer for him tonight. Oh and I want a copy of that running video tape, I wonder if he will take the hardest route too.

  4. Aww...sorry Tom didn't feel as well after the treatment yesterday as he appeared in the early AM when I saw him. :~(
    I had not seen him in a month...and, yes, I could see the weight loss...but those muscles will come back soon as he has the energy to be doing things again!! :~) I was happy to see that he looked good...good color, no hair loss...his great smile! :~)
    And...though I'm not much of a beer drinker..."I'll be happy to have one with you, Tom, when you're ready!" :~) Brenda

  5. Ok mom, I think when dad is all better we need another party, one so he can enjoy it and two so he can drink and we can all have a beer with him. Though I am with Kelly, no Mich light, I will take the Bud Light Lime. :) Love you, Tami
