Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Day 22 of treatment

This will be a relatively short post.

Radiation and Chemo again.

For whatever reason Tom is more upbeat today and looks better than I have seen him in weeks. Even the Chemo nurse told me he looked good today.

Let's hope it lasts!

I would like to take this opportunity to explain last nights post. It was never meant to offend anyone. While we appreciate all the offers of help, and people have been helping right along I've been a little reticent to accept help. Partly because that's my personality but it finally came to me what the real reason was. It wasn't until Tami offered to help that I realized if Tom can't take a break it's not fair for me to either. To some of you that may sound ridiculous but to me it makes all kinds of sense.

It's not about the offers to help. It's my guilty feelings that I don't want Tom to have to go through this alone.

For any that I offended with yesterday's Blog please accept my apology.

All along I have continued to say that without all the support we are getting this journey would be significantly more unbearable than it already seems.

Thank you all for your offers, for your help and for just being there!

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