Friday, August 13, 2010

Day 25 of treatment. So hard to believe we started this on July 12!

Tom didn't do so well today. His blood pressure was very low so they would not give him his Chemo treatment. His blood pressure was 80/40 if that gives you any indication. Instead of the Chemo he got saline as he was dehydrated again.

Jeff and Lee stopped this afternoon as did Kel and the kids. Thanks guys for stopping by.

I received an e-mail from a friend today saying she has been reading the Blog and it prompted her to stop smoking. She has been three days smoke free. Congratulations. I'm sure it isn't easy but it will be worth it. Your family will thank you! On one hand, it's unfortunate that the Blog, because of the nature of it, is in some part responsible for encouraging someone to quit smoking. On the other hand, it's a good thing if good things come out of reading the Blog.

I also encourage my friend to think about starting a Blog of her own among her smoking friends, relatives, workmates, etc. Why not use the Blog as a source of encouragement to keep going? Especially with those around you going through the same thing? Whatever you decide to do DON'T QUIT THE FIGHT TO QUIT!!

Those of you reading the Blog know that each day my sister sends me an e-mail to comment on the Blog and send words of encouragement. In today's e-mail she told me how much she loved the "dump" story and that in times of crisis you find out exactly what you are capable of doing. Last summer our brother-in-law had a serious ankle injury. He was unable to walk for several months so my sister stayed home with him (worked from home) and was responsible for a lot of things she was not responsible for before. She really got to test her skills and knows first hand that you can do things you didn't know you were capable of. In her e-mail today she also told me how much her husband hated that she had to do everything. I know Tom feels very much that way. He doesn't tell me that but I know it when I try to do something and he barks at me and tells me to leave it alone that he'll get to it. I am his wife. I love him more than words can say. That said, I have no idea how hard this is for him. I will say this with all the sincerity in my heart. If I could take this disease for my own and relieve him of it I would do it in a heartbeat. I used to hear people say those things and think they were nuts. Now I truly understand what it means to feel that way. Instead all I can do is support him in every way I know how and be there when he needs me.

Thanks so much for reading the Blog, for your prayers, well wishes, visits, calls and e-mails. Do something nice for your loved one(s) this weekend. It doesn't have to be expensive. It doesn't have to take a lot of time. It can be as simple as a kind word, a wild flower, a walk. Take the time.


  1. Maybe I will go to the dump as a nice thing, and I will not complain so that my husband does not have to tell me how much he hates that I go to the dump, me not complaining will be the nice thing that I do.

  2. I loathe the dump too! I bought extra barrels so when Don can't go one week......we can wait another. I can totally hear Tom telling you Sharon how bad you screw up filling the bags, tying them, etc. The men all nodding like they know exactly what he's talking about and the women standing around thinking "what the heck is he complaining about?"

    Take care Tom and Sharon and family!


  3. Thank you, Sharon, for your beautiful sharing in this blog. I'm sure it is helping more than you know.
    Hope you will have a good day today, Tom!
    Blessings- Brenda :~)
