Thursday, August 19, 2010

Day 29 of treatment. One more day before Tom has the weekend off.

He felt a little better today although he has four more days of radiation. We're hopeful once the treatments are over that he can start to build his strength and feel better.

It's so great to look at the Blog at the end of the day and see the comments. Thank you!!

Once treatment is over and Tom is feeling better I'm sure he'll be very to happy to have a beer with any and all of you (and a banana split with you too, Pip).

Yes Brenda, Tom still has his hair. We're both surprised. The fact that he had so much to begin with probably didn't hurt.

A couple of the guys from the Belmont shed stopped today to visit. Thanks guys. Thank you for the article too. It's good to know there are other organic seekers out there!!

During this process I have talked to Tom about the Blog and told him about all of your comments. I've only read it to him once. I was going to show him how to get into the Blog tonight so he could read it on his own. He said he didn't feel up to learning tonight because he was too tired. I decided if he didn't feel up to learning that I would read Wednesday's Blog to him, particularly Kelly's Art Class Blog and your comments. If any of you had the chance to read Kelly's Blog you shouldn't find it surprising that he was in tears. Then I read the comments from Wednesday's Blog and the tears continued. It isn't like Tom to cry. In a previous Blog I mentioned that I've seen him cry a handful of times in our close to 40 years of marriage. As he was going to bed we talked about all the support we're getting from all of you. He was very moved by Kelly's comments about him, the support from you all and is very appreciative.

Nan e-mailed today and told me she got a really nice e-mail from Maxwell House indicating they are continuing to improve their products. I believe that is how changes are made.

Thank you so much for your prayers, well wishes, comments, e-mails, phone calls, visits, all of the support you are giving us! It's all that support that gets us through this. Thank you!!!


  1. I read Kelly's blog and I agree with her, Tommy is a Man of all trades. Whenever and I mean whenever I have ever needed anything fixed or looked at Tommy is always my go to guy. Honestly he can fix anything. His most recent visit was just before his diagnosis. I called and said my AC will not work in the camper and could he stop by and look at it. Of course he was there the next night when I got home from work. "It's fixed" he said and I asked "oh what did you need to do" "Nothing" he said "I just turned it on and it worked" and I said "so now you are a magician on top of all your other talents" LOL Tommy is the BEST

  2. I can't tell you how many times I have called Dad for all the little things and he comes over and takes care of it, like taking care of Cleo when we are away, to even empting the litter box for the cat :) Ok he usually makes mom go to do that part but he still goes over. He helped Ben build a school project because Brian didn't have time. He comes over to plow through all those wicked bumpy roads with the plow or even just calls to see if we need him to come plow. Even when he was doing all that plowing last winter he would call to make sure we were all set. He even comes over to help shovel the roofs off. And all the other things large and small he comes over to help us do. We would be lost with out Dad and Mom. Love you both, Tami

    PS I also want to mention we apprecaite and love all the things that mom does for us and the kids too.

  3. Thank you for keeping us in the know and updated!

    Tom when your ready brutha - bolo ball, horse shoes and mic lights.

    Anything I can do to help - I would be honored!!! ANYTHING. from yard work to house chores seriously dont feel weird to ask me - just dont tell my wife this because then she will know i am capable of doing such tasks ;)


    Andrew & Family

  4. I read every day and pray every day for you all, Love u all !!
