Monday, August 9, 2010

Day 21 of treatment. Radiation and Chemo this week.

Tom lost another five pounds this week. We were able to get him some prescription medication today that is supposed to help with the acid. I hope this works so that he can eat a little more. It's important that he maintain his weight and not loose any more and we just can't seem to get there.

On the upside, his blood pressure wasn't too low this week and that's a good thing.

I know in a previous Blog I mentioned Tom was starting to loose his hair. I knew it was getting a little thinner but didn't realize how much he was loosing until I went to change the sheets this weekend and it is EVERYWHERE. For those of your who know about my hair fettish I'm actually handling this a lot better than I thought I would.

Thank you Kerry for the diet recommendation. Tonight I made mashed potatoes with cream and lots of butter. He ate them. I started making his scrambled eggs with cream a few days ago in an attempt to try to increase his calorie count. Whatever it takes to get the calories in.

Tami made some blueberry muffins for him. If I heat them up so they are soft and put butter on them he can get them down. Thanks Tam.

I have tried the protein powder every which way. I think he doesn't like it because it makes things taste grainy. It may be great in smoothies but he doesn't like them either.

I fully expect we will get a visit from the nutritionist this week once she sees the weight loss on his chart.

Thanks to the Belmont crew for the card and the gift card.

Thanks Carla for the kind words.

Tonight I had a discussion with our daughter. She offered to take Tom to his treatments so that I could get a break. I appreciate the offer. My response to her was - Why should I get a break when Dad can't take one? Tom and I are in this together. I can't believe anyone could be married as long as we have and not feel the way I do about this. I'm no marter and anyone who knows me definitely knows that I'm no Saint but I believe what I said to Tami. We're in this together all the way.

I am so grateful to my boss for allowing me to work at home and re-arrange my schedule in order to take Tom to his treatments each day and just to be with him. Thank you Brad.

There are certain days when I can't be with Tom because of work and I know I've said it before but I'm very grateful for those of you who stepped in to help when I couldn't be there.

Thanks to those of you who continue to read the Blog, e-mail, call, and visit. I won't say we couldn't do this without you because we don't have a choice but all that you do eases the burden. Thank you!

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