Thursday, September 2, 2010

Ok. I know I said I would update the Blog on Sundays but I can't help myself.

Tom seems to be feeling better each day. Now that I've said that let's hope tomorrow isn't a bad day.

He is still having a hard time eating but his diet choices have increased a bit - eggs, chicken noodle soup, spaghettios (organic - they aren't as acidic), jello with whipped cream, and a soft serve ice cream cone daily (great for him, me, not so much). The soft serve ice cream doesn't seem to bother him like real ice cream does. Being on my organic kick that and the jello are the two things he's eating that aren't organic. Let's hope the soft serve isn't full of chemicals.

I'm updating the Blog for a few reasons. I want to thank Kelly, Jeanne and Andrew for responding to the Blog. Thanks Kelly for recognizing the "little people" - I use those words lightly because I have never, in my lifetime, felt there were those superior and those little people. Nor do Kelly and Tami. Everyone should be judged on their own character and not what they do for a living.

Thank you Jeanne for the nice things you said about Tom. I haven't read them to him yet but I know he'll be touched.

Andrew, what can I say. Your words made me cry. I know Tom will be touched as well. Thank you so much for the kind words and continued offers to help. Believe me, if we need something we'll call. I'm sure you know us well enough to know it's hard for us to ask for help but we will if we need it. Thank you again.

I keep saying I will read the Blog to Tom, not because he can't read, but because he's not really a computer guru and although I tried to teach him I don't think he knows how to get to the Blog.

Tom and I received two really nice cards today from friends of ours. One was thanking me for the Blog and wishing us continued strength. The other was letting us know they are thinking about us and we are in their thoughts and prayers. What was interesting about the cards is that the one sent to me was from the husband of the couple and the one sent to Tom was from the wife. They both had very nice messages and we thank you for them. We also thank you for the unique way in which you sent them. Very cool.

I also received an e-mail from our sister-in-law, while I won't list the whole e-mail following are some pieces from it:

To realize
The value of a sister/brother
Ask someone
Who doesn't have one

To realize
The value of four years
Ask a graduate

To realize
The value of one-second
Ask a person
Who has survived an accident

To realize
The value of one minute
Ask a person
Who has missed the train, bus or plane

Time waits for no one
Treasure every moment you have
You will treasure it even more when
You can share it with someone special

There was more to the e-mail but I thought I would share those few parts. I don't believe truer words were ever spoken.

I've said it before, and here it goes again, take the time with your loved ones. If you don't spend it now, you can never get it back. Remember, time waits for no one, not even you.

Our ever loyal friend Jeff stopped again this weekend, like he has every weekend since he found out about Tom's disease. How nice is it to have friends like that?

Jeanne stopped in again today to check in. Thanks Jeanne.

Thanks Donna for the call checking in.

I know I don't thank Kelly and Tami in the Blog but they are the best. They check in all the time on their Dad. We are very lucky and very blessed to have the children (and grandchildren) that we have. We love you.

Thanks again to all of you reading the Blog and staying in this with us. We are very appreciative. When I said above, how nice is it to have friends like that, how blessed are we to have all of you?

It looks like I'll be updating the Blog more often. I hope you'll be reading.

Thank you, for everything!!


  1. Hummm I wondering Sharon, maybe you could put the blog icon on your desk top, then Tom could just click the icon and it would bring him right to the posting.....or maybe he likes you reading it to him...did he get started on the multivit. today?
    See ya over the weekend sometime

  2. Sharon,
    I have been reading the blog almost daily. I have been more of a creeper and not leaving any comments. I talk about you a lot trying to get my husband to quit smoking. I explain who Tommy is and how you would never think anything could harm him. I tell him how cool and tough we know him to be, but this was tougher. I just hope Peter will get the message.
    Sharon-you are amazing. I try to explain to Peter how you and Tommy aren't just married, you love each other. I always saw you as a strong, loving woman, but I think this even more now. For you to take the time to update us is truly unselfish.
    I hope some day Tommy sits down with a beer to see this experience through the eyes of the woman who loves him.
    I will pray for you, Tommy, Tami, Kelly and family each day.
