Sunday, September 5, 2010

I can't believe it's Labor Day weekend. When Tom and I started this journey it was Memorial Day weekend. Here we are more than three months later.

Tom feels a bit better each day although the swallowing is still very difficult. He's sticking with eggs, soup, spaghettio's (organic ones), and jello although he has added toast to the routine, as long as it's on the soft side.

We see the Oncologist on Tuesday and we'll see where we go from here.

Tammy thank you so much for your Blog comment. You said some wonderful things and we are very appreciative.

Shelley, thank you too. I generally look at the prior days post to review comments that folks have left. I nearly missed yours until I looked at all the past comments to read some of them to Tom. It would have been a shame to miss it. It was very thoughtful. Thank you.

I would like to respond to a couple of things that were said in those comments.

I have no idea how hard it is to quit smoking because my experience with smoking was when I was probably 14 or 15 and stole my father cigarettes and smoked one just to be cool. Now to let you know how really uncool that was, I smoked them in the living room while he was sleeping in the bedroom!! Not incredibly bright but I was a kid, what did I know (although at that age I'm sure I knew everything).

I know I've said this in previous Blogs, if you think quitting is hard it's nothing compared to this.

When Tom had the first biopsy he had to be awake because they had to put four tubes down his throat - one to get the biopsy, one for the camera, one to brush his lung, and I don't remember what the other one was for but there wasn't enough room for a breathing tube. He said he wished everyone who smoked could go through that. If they went through it once they would never smoke again. I can't imagine how hard it was, and how scared he must have been. And I won't even elaborate on how scared he was when he started vomiting blood after the biopsy.

Smoking isn't worth it! No matter how you slice the pie. It's expensive, it's toxic, it's harmful to those around you. It does absolutely nothing for you except to help tobacco companies become richer. It drives me nuts when I see people driving, with kids in the car, the windows up smoking. I have to ask myself, are they completely ignorant?!?!? I'm guessing many of them may be intelligent but I would have to guess they have absolutely no common sense. It truly makes me sad.

No one can make a person stop smoking until they are ready to stop. No amount of preaching or story telling will change that.

If I had my way I would make smoking illegal. I find it extraordinary that politicians focus on things like same sex marriage and abortion and never address the effects and the costs associated with smoking! So ask yourselves, why do you suppose that is?

I know in a previous Blog I mentioned this Blog was my therapy. So, Tammy when you talk about my writing the Blog to keep people informed it really helps me stay sane. You, reading the Blog, are more help to me than you know. Actually, those of you who know me well know that I'm not really forthcoming with personal things about myself or my family. Talking about those things is difficult for me. The Blog allows me to express myself, let you know what's going on and helps me feel that you are all there helping us. So instead of thanking me, I'm thanking you all. Thank you all so much!!

I can't imagine ever being without Tom. From the day we were married, almost 40 years ago, there was never a day that I could imagine us not being together. That's not to say we haven't had arguments because we've had our share. Never once, no matter how mad we got at each other, did we ever think it was time to throw in the towel. I think with any long term relationship, the longer you are together the more you appreciate your partner. Some of that may be a result of getting older but for me, I continue become more aware and more appreciative of Tom each day. We are truly blessed.

I've said it before but it bears repeating, let go of the little things. They don't matter. Look at the bigger picture. Be grateful for the things you have and the people in your lives. Let them know.

Those of you reading the Blog know Jeff, our friend, stops every weekend. This weekend he not only stopped but he wired in our generator. Thank you Jeff. Your help is very much appreciated.

Jeanne stopped again this weekend too. Thanks Jeanne.

I can't say enough how I'm so appreciative of you all reading the Blog and leaving your comments. Thank you so much!!

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