Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tom continues to get stronger. He's still having trouble swallowing but he is trying different foods now.

I am so thankful that he is getting stronger. I pray it continues.

Thank you so much for your comments Kelly, Brenda and Kristi.

Brenda, you are very kind to comment on my "art work". There is something very special about having your own pictures framed and hung. Each time I look at them fond memories come back. I love it. We actually had the picture that Kelly won 4th place for framed and hung in our stairway. It's very nice.

Kristi, thank you so much for inviting us to the party. It was very nice. Thank you for the information about plastic too. I actually discarded all of my old plastic as well. I bought a Brita water picture with a filter in it to prevent Tom from drinking water from plastic bottles. When I decided to go Organic that started me on a path to changing a lot of things. Plastic being one of them. From what I understand, through the internet, a substance called bisphenol-a or BPA is widely used in the making of hard, clear plastic (polycarbonate). The BPA evidently leaches into foods and liquids stored in the plastic containers. The chemical is used in making food storage containers, refillable water bottles and the lining of soft-drink and food cans.

There have been studies performed on Rat pups that suggest BPA poses a potential cancer risk, along with some other health risks.
Unless a plastic container specifically states that it's BPA free it probably contains BPA. Based on internet research almost every canned product, even those labeled organic, have liners with BPA. This, I did not know until I did the research so I'll be more diligent in any organic canned foods I pick up.

The recommendation to lower exposure is to use fresh or frozen vegetables. Use glass, porcelain and stainless-steel containers. And I'm sure you all know, if you do use plastic it should NEVER be used to heat food in a microwave. (For those of you as old as we are, remember when milk actually came in glass bottles?)

It's amazing, once you actually start looking at things and what's in them what you find. I know in a previous Blog I also indicated that I purchased organic sheets, made from organic fibers with no chemicals used to make them. Who would ever think chemicals are used to make sheets! I guess whatever produces things faster and cheaper. I continue to ask, to what end, at what ultimate cost?

Thank you all for reading the Blog. We're four months into this and I'm glad you're still here. Thank you!!


  1. Okay, I feel like you do not listen to me. I have been telling you about plastic for months. I also told you over the summer to tell dad to suck it up and drink tap water. Plastic is bad, bad, bad. Also for females the aluminum in deoderant is bad, and has been studied, and can cause breast cancer over a period of time. You can buy some good organic ones or make you own.
    Just kidding mom I know you listen

  2. Kerry here:

    pyrex makes some awesome small glass dishes that are great for toting your lunch in. they do have plastic covers but the plastic doesnt touch the food so hopefully it's ok. we use them for salads and any hot dishes-they are awesome!
