Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Tom and I met with the Oncologist today. He's is scheduling a CT Scan (it hasn't been scheduled yet but some time before September 27). Tom meets with the radiologist on September 27 and the Oncologist again on September 28 to review results of the scan.

The Oncologist plans to administer two more sessions (meaning 6 days each) of Chemo. One of the types of Chemo they gave Tom during the first round is unavailable because there is a shortage. Do you believe that? A SHORTAGE, really?? The Oncologist assured us there are other Chemo's out there that can replace the one that's unavailable.

Tom did gain a little weight in the last couple of weeks. He is eating a little more but I suspect the weight gain is partially due to no radiation and Chemo for the past week and one-half.

I'm praying each day that Tom continues to improve and be cancer free.

I have a few things I would like to share.

As you all know Tom works for the State. He had approximately three months of time accumulated which has truly been a blessing during this time. He needs more time because he's not healthy enough to go back to work, although he is getting stronger each day. The State has a system that allows employees to donate their accumulated time to someone who needs it. We requested additional time and have received it. First, I would like to say what an incredible benefit this is to those of us who need it. Second, I want to thank those who selflessly donated their time to Tom. Your generosity is truly appreciated and we can't thank you enough. Thank you so much.

Our daughter, who is going to college to become a teacher, has taken an interest in photography. She's taken a couple of classes and I think her work is really good (of course, I'm her mother - what else would I say?). In any case I, without her knowledge, entered one of her pictures in a photo contest. I did this for a couple of reasons. I thought she should realize how good she is and I think a little healthy competition causes us to work to be better. As it turned out she took 4th place out of 60 entries. No, she didn't take first place but 4th out of 60 when she just started is amazing. I didn't write this to brag about our daughter (we also have a daughter who is a very talented cake baker). I've never been the competitive type. I'm self motivated and always try to do a better job than the time before, in anything I do, but competition isn't my thing (Truth be told, I'm a perfectionist but we won't go into that flaw in my personality). What I realized in entering Kelly in the photo competition is that healthy competition truly is a good thing. It encourages us to try harder, do better, make a better product. I know our daughter will continue to work at better photography, if not for anything else, just to see if she can come in first. I think that's a good thing.

Thank you so much for continuing to read the Blog. Thank you, again, for the donation of your hard earned time to those of you who donated time to Tom. Thank you for going through this disease with us. We are very appreciative.


  1. I am so happy daddy is gaining weight one step closer. I will still take pictures, but you of people know that if I loose I give up, it does not make me work harder. I would rather just quit but I will not cause i like taking pictures.

  2. But you didn't loose. 4th place out of 60 entries is extraordinary. Keep up the good work!

  3. I've been reading and twice posted comments that somehow disappeared before going on the blog....I hate that! My comments were about how Tom is the kind of guy that if you go camping with him and you have some random problem, say with your camper or your vehicle...he'll disappear for a few minutes without saying a word and then magically appear a few minutes later with some gadget that will work perfectly to solve the problem. He's like MacGyver! (spelling?) That's a gift. I can have all the tools needed AND the directions to fix something and somehow it won't all come together in my mind to actually work.

    I agree, Kelly---4th place is awesome!

    Take care all!

  4. whoops, that was me, Kristi!

  5. Kerry here:

    thanks for the update sharon! here's thinking good thoughts for the 28th!
