Sunday, September 12, 2010

Tom is getting better each day. We are not out of the woods yet but he is so much better than he was even four weeks ago. I pray every day that he will continue to improve.

His CT scan has been scheduled for September 24.

Thank you Kristi and Kerry for your comments on the last Blog. I agree Kristi that Tom does seem to be able to fix everything. I ask him all the time - "how do you know that?". It truly amazes me how he can do the things that he does.

Tom and I went to a 25th wedding anniversary party for our very good friends on Saturday (those of you reading the Blog who were there already know this). While we didn't stay for the clam bake it was nice to get out for a little while. I worry about us going out too much because I don't want Tom to catch a cold or flu or anything else going around. He's still gaining strength. I'm not sure what getting sick now would do to him. Nor do I want to find out.

After going to the party this weekend and getting such a warm welcome I thought again, as I do so often, how truly blessed we are to have such supportive friends and family. I know I say it often but I'm not sure, even though you are reading the Blog, that it gives you a sense of the continued support that we get every day and from so many people. I end each Blog with a thank you to all of you but I don't think words begin to cover the gratitude we feel toward all of you helping us through this.

I was thinking too, how the choices we make in the friends we choose and how we conduct our lives has a great deal to do with the kind of support one receives in times of crisis. It makes me sad to think there are people going through a similar thing that we are and they have no one. Several times during Tom's Chemo treatments, I noted people having Chemo treatments with no one to sit with them and they had to ask the nurses to find them a ride home. I couldn't imagine not being with Tom while he was going though radiation and Chemo treatments.

I've talked about Organic stuff in prior Blogs. If I haven't mentioned it before, the primary reason I made the decision to buy all organic products is because with Tom's treatments I thought he was getting enough put into his body without any other chemicals, hormones, whatever they put into food today. One thing led to another. I started doing some research and as a result became so much more aware of not just Organic foods but Organic cleaners, recyling and all the things that are referred to as "green" today. Many of you reading the Blog are too young to know this but years ago (and some still today - I'm sure some of you) people had gardens, they raised their own vegetables, they went to the butcher to buy meat or raised their own, they picked wild berries. My great aunt used to make her own soap with lard and lye. Cleaners were made from things like baking soda, which, for those of you who don't know, was also used as an antacid as well as toothpaste.

I know for some folks Organic isn't the way to go because with kids Organic foods are expensive. Organic cleaners though can be made from Castile soap, baking soda, borax, salt, things like that. They are considerably less expensive and less caustic than some of the cleaners out there today. Just something to think about.

Thanks for reading the Blog. Thanks for being there. Thanks for being YOU.


  1. Just so you know, we have made our own cleaners for a couple years now, and we have a huge garden, and better you we go to the local farm store and buy real milk, (okay not for Jozie, we still buy rice milk) but we try to do everything organic, and in the end, it is not that much more expensive, and guess what, we go to the Dr's way less now. But you should also know as I am writing this I am too sick to come visit. Just allergies/cold though.

  2. Hi Sharon & Tom!
    I really enjoyed reading these last two postings saying that Tom is doing better every day! :~)
    And, yes, the people that are around you are loving, giving people...because that's who YOU two are so that's who you attract!
    Congratulations to Kelly...4th out of 60 really IS good! but it really IS about the "doing it", isn't it! :~) "The apple doesn't fall far from the tree"!(Sharon, your photos are great, also! I love seeing them all framed and displayed on your walls!)
    And as far as "cleaners" go...white vinegar is great, too!
    See you soon! Brenda :~)

  3. we were so happy to see you both on Saturday! I'm so glad you were able to make it. We had such a good time with our garbage can clambake, we hope to do it again. I'm going to get your dish to my mother as I know she'll make sure you get it...I'm tempted to keep it, it's a really pretty dish, and the salad in it was delicious, very nice of you to make something that you didn't even get to eat. I'm working with a little boy this year who is a cancer survivor and his dad blogs as well---I know it's been a big help for their family. I'm assuming it's a health thing, but they use stainless steel dishes as much as they can...they avoid using plastic when possible.

    Take care and keep us posted!

