Thursday, September 30, 2010

For those of you reading the Blog I'm sure you're interested in what the Oncologist had to say today.

What came as a complete shock to both of us is that evidently Tom had two tumors. At least that's what the Oncologist told us today. I'm not sure if we just don't ask the right questions or if the physicians aren't forthcoming with information they should be telling us. It's frustrating but how do we ask the right questions if we don't know what to ask?

In any case, we were told the tumor(s) have shrunk significantly. They have opted not to do a PET scan at this time because they don't believe it will show them anything. Tom will be receiving another round of Chemo beginning October 7. He will receive the Chemo once a week for two weeks, one week off, then again for three more "sessions" - two weeks on, one week off as long as he can tolerate the treatments. After the Chemo they will do another scan to see where we stand.

The Oncologist indicated they want to "kick this cancer in the can". No one wants that more than we do. The Oncologist also indicated this too, is an aggressive Chemo treatment. They will track Tom's blood count, blood pressure, the same things they monitored during the first rounds.

Needless to say, he isn't looking forward to it. He has gotten so much stronger and is feeling better every day so we continue to be hopeful. No one said this would be easy.

Jeanne stopped today and we talked about how much everyone's support means to us and how much it helps. For those who have not been through something like this support, prayers and thoughts mean everything. We are very fortunate to have you all with us.

Thanks for the card Nan.

The Belmont crew, along with one of the guys Tom used to work with stopped this week. Thanks guys!

Thank you all for reading the post and staying with us. I'll keep you updated more often once Tom starts Chemo again.


  1. Well it may be helpful this time that Tom has built up some strength and is feeling better. When he started his treatments that was not the case. He's got a little fight in him now. Thanks for keeping us posted. We're with you guys all the way.

    Sharon & Dick

  2. Yup you're right Sharon and Dick, when Tom first started all of this he was really really sick and weak. This time he is so much stronger and feeling so much better. WATCH OUT CHEMO---here he comes..............along with his army of ya
