Monday, September 20, 2010

I'm sorry I didn't post on the Blog last night. I was really tired yesterday, was going to post first thing this morning and got busy working. One thing led to another and it didn't get done. My sister e-mailed and my sister-in-law called to make sure everything was ok because there was no Blog. Again, I apologize for not posting. Thanks Nan and Jeanne for checking in.

So far, so good. I guess things are as expected. We thought Tom's swallowing would get better but it still hurts. He forces food down but at least he's getting it in.

Our sister-in-law sent an e-mail about asparagus being good for Cancer patients. Evidently the asparagus is to be pureed. Whether it's a hoax or not, asparagus can't be bad for you and I thought how could it hurt to have Tom eat it. I didn't think he would eat it pureed so I've been giving it to him for dinner. This morning, in my infinite wisdom, I thought I would put asparagus in an omelet for him for breakfast. He wanted to know why I would put vegetables in his breakfast. For those of us who like veggie omelets, no big deal but he does not like vegetables for breakfast.

Last night I cooked carrots with his potatoes and whipped them together thinking it never hurts to have too many vegetables. You guess it! He didn't like those either and didn't eat them.

Needless to say I have to keep vegetables separate in our house and definitely not serve them for breakfast.

I've been having pretty good luck purchasing organic fruits and vegetables that don't break the bank. We'll see what happens as the weather gets colder.

Like the watermelon made of gold I also purchased an organic chicken - about five lbs - the price - $27. I know, I know, I really need to pay attention to prices. It's amazing to me that organic chicken is more expensive than local grass fed beef. I'll continue looking for less expensive organic chicken.

I'll keep you all posted on Tom's progress. I'll make sure I post on the Blog every Sunday and once or twice during the week.

Thanks you all again for reading. Thanks for reminding me to post too!!!!


  1. HaHa Tommy is sounding more and more like his dad. All the food seperate and never to touch each other on the dish either. OH well, whatever it takes to get the food down. Thanks for the post.

  2. Sharon, do you know Hidden Wonders Farm on Baptist Hill Rd. in Canterbury? Steve and Jacquie Allman have the farm there. They have chicken, pork, milk and other organically raised products. Their phone # is 783-9648. Maybe you will find what you are looking for at a reasonable price there. :~)

  3. Ok I just need to say that is too funny. Amanda is the same way. Ben could care less but if Amanda's food touches each other she wont eat it either. And lets just say they don't make plates big enough.

    Also mom, I wanted to tell you when we got off exit 22 in Sanbornton I saw a sign for Organic Vegetables. If you are ever up that way. I don't know what they have but I thought I would mention it.

    Love you both and yes I will return the movies :)
