Friday, October 15, 2010

Tom didn't do great after this round of Chemo. He was vomiting all night and has had little to eat.

I called the Oncology department today. We spent the afternoon in the hospital while he received saline for hydration. It's important for him to stay hydrated in order to flush the Chemo out of his system.

The Oncology Dept set up another hydration session at the hospital on Sunday just in case he continues to be sick over the weekend. I have to hand it to them they set up the session, just in case he needs it, so we wouldn't have to go to the emergency room and wait all day.

The Oncology nurses told us Tom was sick because he received Chemo that was double the strength of the last Chemo he received. They have prescribed a much stronger anti-nausea medication that he will take next time he gets that particular type of Chemo. Hopefully that will help.

There was a poster in the Oncology waiting room related to discarding un-used medication that you may be interested in. If discarding hard forms of medication (pills) put in a sealable plastic bag with a little water. Seal the bag and throw in the trash. If discarding liquid medications put in sealable plastic bag, add coffee grounds, close bag and throw in the trash. Make sure you remove all labels from any pill bottles before throwing them away to protect your identification.

Thanks Jeanne and Kelly for your comments.

Thanks so much to all of you for reading the Blog


  1. Mom, Thanks for keeping me updated today, all day. I hope he is feeling better.

  2. Hope Tom is feeling better by now and will not need further hydration today. But, yes! it is so good to know that your "team" is there for you to make all of this "easier"; the "emergency room" and time spent there are not too pleasant even if you feel GOOD!
    You are in my thoughts and prayers and PLEASE don't hesitate to call if you need anything, Sharon; I'm really so close by!
    I'm just remembering that I saw you out for a walk on Kimball Pond Rd. recently; you must have done "the loop". Give me a call if you would like some company! I walk a lot but sometimes it's not only for the fresh air and's also good "alone" time!
    Brenda :~)
