Sunday, October 17, 2010

As it turned out Tom didn't have to go to the hospital for hydration today. He isn't feeling as good as he did last week but not as bad as he did on Thursday either. Chemo makes him very tired.

He's back on a scrambled eggs, toast, and chicken noodle soup diet. At least for the time being until we're sure he won't get sick again.
If this makes him better it's worth it. Of course, that's easy for me to say because I'm not dealing with the same things he's dealing with.

Kelly, Jozie and I did the breast cancer walk today. Actually half of it. We weren't sure if Jozie could do the complete five miles so we opted for the short course. It was amazing to see so many people there. I must say it was very emotional for me to see all of the breast cancer survivors walking to the stage.

Jeanne, we saw you and Jeni doing the walk as well. A very worthy cause.

I think it's great that breast cancer gets so much press and ultimately lots of donations. It may sound selfish but I would like to see lung cancer get the same sort of press, along with donations and research. I haven't done the research to know what percentage of those with cancer have lung cancer but given my experience, at Tom's Chemo treatments, there are significantly more people than I thought.

One of the guys I work with sent me an article from Men's Health on the benefits of organic foods and organic products. The article talked about getting rid of things like "Raid" and other chemical laden products. There was a recipe for making your own "Raid" type bug killer. Articles related to going organic seem to be increasing. I'm still convinced the more people interested in buying organic, the more economical it will get, making it more affordable for everyone.

I know I've told you the stories about the $30 watermelon and yes, I'm a slow learner, I bought a $9 organic cabbage a couple of weeks ago. Yes, I need to look at prices. Fortunately, I've purchased a very limited number of what I would call extravagant buys.

The following are two lists of foods. The first list is the highest in pesticides and should be purchased organic. The second, the lowest in pesticides and can be purchased conventionally.
See the full list at

Highest in pesticides - buy organic

Sweet Bell Peppers
Collard Greens/Kale

Lowest in pesticides-

Sweet Corn
Sweet Peas
Cantaloupe (domestic)
Sweet Potatoes
Honeydew Melon

Thanks for the comments Kelly and Brenda.

Yes, Brenda I've been trying to walk the loop at least a few times a week. My schedule doesn't always allow for that but any time you want company and want to do the "loop" please give me a call. I'm happy for the company and the walk is great.

Thanks to you all for reading the Blog. Your time and caring is appreciated.


  1. Thanks for walking with me mom! I will get more information on the thing I talked to you about on Nov. 4. as soon as I get it

  2. Sorry we missed you at the walk. Yes it is an awesome event and always very emotional for me and even more so this year. I have done the walk/use to be a run for the past 10 years and I would not miss it. I am so proud of all the people who walk regardless of their ability. I always think while walking this may be painful for some but not as painful as those suffering with cancer. Glad Tom is feeling a little better :)

  3. I was very happy to hear that you guys got a chance to go away and enjoy some time away from home. We are still thinking of you all!


  4. I was also glad to hear you got away for the weekend-something to look back on and remember while Tom is dealing with all the nausea and sickness from chemo. I'll bet after all of this Tom never wants to eat a scrambled egg or chicken soup ever again!

