Monday, October 11, 2010

I didn't post last night because we didn't get home until later. For the first time since the beginning of May Tom and I were able to go away for the weekend.

So much that we take for granted, just every day things that people do, until you can't do them.

It was so nice to get away and I am so grateful that Tom was feeling well enough to go.

I know I've said this before but it bears repeating. Don't take things for granted. Enjoy life and appreciate those everyday things that life brings. Don't get hung up on the little things, that in the grand scheme of things will never make any difference in your life. Appreciate your friends and family and tell them so.

Tom starts Chemo again on Thursday. I'll keep you posted as to how that is going.

We received a very nice card last week from one of the folks Tom worked with at the Morton Building. Thank you!

Our son-in-law and grandson came over yesterday and put all of our wood in the cellar so Tom wouldn't have to worry about it. How nice was that? How great is it to have family members who help without being asked? Thanks Brian and Ben. We love you.

Thank you all for reading the Blog. Again, thanks for the cards, e-mails, visits, and keeping us in your thoughts and prayers.


  1. Yes, It was an awesome weekend. So glad we were able to share it with you. Hope the kids were not too much :)

  2. And such a beautiful weekend, too! Glad you were able to enjoy it! :~) -Brenda

  3. It was a great weekend. Jeanne the kids are as cute as can be. Just thought you should know we ran out of propane Sunday night! We couldn't wait for daylight so we could hook up the camper and head home.

    Dick & Sharon
