Friday, July 23, 2010

We are now two full weeks into therapy. Hard to believe we've been dealing with this for almost two months. We still have a way to go.

The radiation causes Tom severe acid. The radiolist said that's to be expected since the radiation is targeted near the Esophagus. I guess I've said this before but the Radiolist continues to tell us it's going to get worse before it gets better. Tom has been instructed to increase his calorie count and to drink three bottles of Boost a day. We haven't started that yet but plan to this evening.

I'm trying to arrange this Blog so that those of you who only want to read about Tom and how he's doing, rather than reading about the journey we are going through (and my obsession with organic items) can get read the first two or three paragraphs and get the information you are looking for.

For those of you who are not only reading about Tom's progress, but the journey it's taking to get there and the help we're getting along the way, I will continue to post that as well.

I have taken on the job of making sure Tom gets good nutrition, is supported at all of his appointments, and do whatever I can, whenever I can. I don't really think about it as a chore because it's something that needs to be done. And frankly, I couldn't imagine doing anything else. What did come to mind though is that this is not his disease, it's our disease. He's fighting it the way he has to and I'm fighting it in the only way I know. That said, for those of you who know him, I'm driving him nuts with my organic obsession.

I continue to say this because it's so important. All the well wishes, the help we receive, the company that visits, our kids who pitch in, is all part of this journey and you are all helping us to fight this disease in your own way. In the way that you know. For that we are forever grateful. This may seem like a broken record but if you were on this end you would know exactly what I mean. The time you spend, just thinking of us, is invaluable and no mater how many times we say thank you it doesn't seem like enough.

There won't be any posts over the weekend unless something happens primarily because Tom doesn't get any treatments. There will be another post on Monday.


  1. LOL I can just see him rolling his eyes about the organic stuff.....let's see if he goes for the reiki. Who knows he may become the next organic,holistic person standing on a soapbox preaching.....Now that will be funny. Hang in there Sharon. You are doing the right thing and I can not thank you enough for taking such good care of my brother. Jeanne

  2. I'd love to hear about Tom and Reiki.....make sure to post about that if it happens, along with any comments he makes about it.

    On a serious note, we are all thinking of you all and look forward to better times ahead. Sharon, I'm home most of the summer, so please let me know if there is anything I can do. I know it's probably not super helpful to hear such a general offer, but I don't know of what specifically I could offer.

