Thursday, July 29, 2010

Day 14 of treatment.

Treatment was limited to radiation today. Tom's skin is beginning to show signs of burning from the radiation. The clinical team warned us this would happen. We have cream to apply each day to help with the burning.

He continues to get pretty severe acid indigestion. That too, is from the radiation.

Otherwise, he was a little tired but that seems to be the norm these days.

The Belmont crew stopped today to visit. Thanks guys. Visits are always appreciated. FYI - no one wants Tom to go back to work more than he does.

We also received an e-mail from another person Tom worked with who is a cancer survivor. We'll be contacting him to get some insight. Every bit of information helps.

Jeanne gave Tom his first Reiki treatment today. He actually enjoyed it. Who knew? I'm still not sure I would hold my breath that he'll become a Holistic guru but he has agreed to continue with treatments.

One of the guys I work with sent me a link to The 20 Best Organic Foods. Check out the link. There is even organic beer (Belmont crew let us know next time you stop...I wouldn't want you to miss trying it) and wine (we know who the wine lovers are).

I went to the Miles Smith Farm today to pick up some organic meat, chicken and eggs. For those of you who haven't been there they sell fresh meats on Tuesday and Thursday and put the meat in the freezer on Saturday. The chickens are frozen. I was fully expecting to buy frozen meat and was pleasantly surprised that I didn't have to.

Nan gave me a link to a nutrition drink we could try since Tom couldn't handle the Boost. We tried it, or should I say he did. He said it wasn't bad, he didn't get sick and he is willing to try it again. Jeanne suggested we try making fudgesicles or frozen treats so he could eat, rather than drink, it. Today I bought some popsicle molds and we're going to try the frozen route.

In keeping with the organic, home made, non chemical theme here's a facial mask recipe for the ladies that I found while perusing a magazine. I guess the guys could try it too - after all this is 2010...

Chocolate Martini Mask - (use organic products)

1/4 C cocoa powder
1/4 C honey (or brown sugar)
3 T oatmeal powder (grind whole oats in a blender)
2 T soy milk

Stir all together. Apply to clean face. Leave on for 20 min then wipe off using warm towel. Enjoy and don't eat it!

On a more serious note. Until we discovered Tom's cancer we were not diligent about making sure our medical history was complete. That includes the health history of our parents as well as other relatives. Having a complete and accurate medical history on file with your primary care physician is essential for providing complete medical care.

For those of you reading the Blog who don't know the medical history of your parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles, siblings. Find out. Make sure your physician has a record of it. Your health as well as your children's and grandchildren's may depend on it.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. To those of you who continue to send cards, call, visit. This is a long road for all of us. Everything you do helps and we are very appreciative. Thank you.


  1. I must say we have darnk the organic beer, and it is pretty good, but you have to like darker beer. Mom do me a favor, tell daddy I told you so for me about the Reiki treatment.

  2. Please let me know how the Martini Mask works. Then I will see if it is something I would try...
    You are right, who knew Tom would be willing to try another Reiki treatment.. Kelly, pleeease, like you're telling your Dad I told you so about the Reiki treatment changes anything...

    I'm still signing in as anonymous since I do not know what to use as a profile.
