Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Day 13 of treatment. For those of you who read the Blog yesterday I'm sure you sensed some frustration. Before starting this Blog I decided to go back and re-read the ones previously written. One thing is for sure, there are definitely good days and bad. Yesterday was one of the bad ones.

I had to go into the office today so Tom took himself to radiation. I made him lunch before I left (peanut butter and jelly) because unless I made it, he probably wouldn't eat. If you've been reading the Blog you know that's a problem.

He did pretty well today. He went to radiation. He walked to the mailbox a couple of times and he weed-whacked around the house. We bought a new battery operated weed whacker, so I could do that chore until he gets back on his feet, since I couldn't run the big gas one we have. He really pushed himself today and was exhausted when I got home at 5.

All in all though it was a pretty good day for him. He was in bed before 8.

Sharon, I see you were able to leave a comment on yesterday's Blog. You too, must have seen the frustration in the Blog. Thanks so much for the words encouragement. They were very much needed and are very much appreciated.

Yesterday's Blog talked about my fear and concern regarding Tom receiving Procrit along with the frustration that came through the Blog. As usual, Nan (my sister) e-mailed me to check in, give me some words of encouragement, and give me more information about Procit to put some of my fears at ease. You came through yet again. I love you. Thanks!!

I work in a small office. I haven't been there much since I've been working at home. I know everyone there is willing to help with my workload and I am very grateful. Thank you all and thanks for the card Chris. Please don't think for one minute that your willingness to help goes un-noticed.

If anyone had asked me a year ago, forget a year, say three months ago if I could ever see myself writing a Blog, nevermind writing one about taking this journey I would have said they were nuts. Yet, here I am. And you too because you're reading it. Life throws unexpected curves. I guess that's part of Life's journey. We do the best we can, always be kind to others, and take life one day at a time.

For those of you following my Organic obsession I have two recipes. One's for diswashing detergent and one for dish soap and here they are:

Dishwashing detergent -

1 C. Borax
1 C. Baking Soda
1/4 C. citric acid (can be found in grocery or health food stores)
1/4 C table salt
1/4 tsp essential oil of choice

Shake ingredients together in a sealed glass jar. Use 1-2 T. per dishload.
You may have to adjust the amount of baking soda depending on your water hardness.

White vinegar is supposed to work well in the rinse dispenser. I haven't tried either of these yet, but I'm going to.

If you think table salt is strange I read it can be used to clean glass. I now use it to clean my glass stove top and it works great!! And yes, without chemicals!

Liquid dish soap -

2 C liquid Castille soad (I use unscented)
1/2 C water
1 tsp fresh lemon juice, or 2 drops lemon essential oil
5 drops essential oil of your choice (orange, peppermint, evergreen - whatever)
1/2 C white vinegar (to kill germs)

Mix or pour into dispensing bottle. Shake to blend before using.

You may want to reduce this recipe depending on how much liquid dish soap you use. I haven't tried this one yet either but it's next on my list.

I know I've said it before. I can't say it enough. Thank you all so much for your thoughts, prayers and well wishes. We are very grateful.

1 comment:

  1. Do not do the vinegar if you have hard water. and it also makes your glasses taste funny.
    Tea tree oil is a wonderful germ killer, and bug bite anti itch, and just about great for anything.
    Just helping you out mom. Let me know if you need anything this week.
