Friday, March 11, 2011

This may not be the place for this but I wanted to tell you this rather than have you read it in the newspaper that Tom passed away at approximately 9:30 pm on March 10.

He was so strong but the cancer that consumed his body was so aggressive he just couldn't keep up.

I am convinced I will not recover from this even though people keep telling me I will.  How do you lose the love of your life of 40 years and recover?  I'm not sure how I'll ever get through each day.  Please do not think this is for sympathy because that's not who I am.  Because this is a Blog I am just expressing my thoughts.

Tom taught me so much.  He was so balanced.  So sure of himself.  So comfortable with the person he is.

As most of you know, he did all of the work on our house, remodeling, mowing the lawn, cutting wood, various repairs.  You name it, he did it.  One Monday I came home from work and asked him what he was doing.  He said "nothing".  I asked him why.  He said he took every Monday off.  He did nothing on Monday's.  He had that sense of "balance" that I surely do not have.  I hope I can learn from that.

I dented my car once (probably more than once) running into a parking garage poll or some other such thing.  He never batted an eye.  He used to say "It's done now.  All we can do is have it fixed".  He never let small things get in the way of more important things.

For those of you who have not experienced it, Lung cancer is a horrible disease.  It stripped everything he had away.  For those of you who have visited Tom recently you saw, first hand, the devastating effect this disease had on him.  He lost so much weight, he lost his ability to walk, his vision was impaired.  This man, who did everything, was reduced to being tended to which was the last thing he ever wanted.  He did not deserve this.  No one does.

I think he knew the end was coming.  I told him I could not do this alone.   I asked him if he would wait for me in heaven.  He said he would be sitting in his recliner, waiting for me to get there.  We talked about how much we loved each other and how lucky we were to have forty years together.  At one point we even talked about driving off a cliff together so we could be together but our kids quickly reminded me that I could become paralyzed, or worse, and still live.    I know he did not want to leave me.  I think because he wanted to make sure I would be okay.   I will never be okay.  How could I?  Please don't tell me I will because now I wouldn't believe you anyway.

I am so proud of our kids and how they helped us through this.

I am so grateful to my sister for just being there.

I am thankful for Tom's family and their support.

A special thank you to John, who took time away from his family to stay with us at the Hospice House.  Thank you so much John.   You are a true friend.

Thanks to all of you who followed the Blog, kept in touch, did what you do.  We will be forever grateful.

God Bless you.


  1. Oh Sherry I can't even know what to say other than I love you all and I loved Tommy and I hope he and your brother are together . I believe that they take care of us even after they are gone. I know Tommy so I am not going to send flowers , but if there is a fund or charity that is near and dear to you as I do not get the NH paper let me know some how and I will contribute in his name. My prayers are with you and all I can say is just take it one day at a time. I love you

  2. One night I dreamed I was walking along the beach with the Lord.
    Many scenes from my life flashed across the sky.
    In each scene I noticed footprints in the sand.
    Sometimes there were two sets of footprints,
    other times there were one set of footprints.
    This bothered me because I noticed that during the low periods of my life, when I was suffering from anguish, sorrow or defeat, I could see only one set of footprints.
    So I said to the Lord,
    "You promised me Lord, that if I followed you, you would walk with me always.
    But I have noticed that during the most trying periods of my life there have only been one set of footprints in the sand. Why, when I needed you most, you have not been there for me?"
    The Lord replied,
    "The times when you have seen only one set of footprints,
    is when I carried you."
    Mary Stevenson

  3. In Memoriam

    Our lives go on without you
    But nothing is the same
    We have to hide our heartache
    When someone speaks your name
    Sad are the hearts that love you
    Silent are the tears that fall
    Living without you is the hardest part of all
    You did so many things for us
    Your heart was so kind and true
    And when we needed someone
    We could always count on you
    The special years will not return
    When we are all together
    But with the love in our hearts
    You walk with us forever

    Author Unknown

    I thought this put my feelings into words the best... I am so sorry for your loss.

  4. Andrew,

    What a touching poem and it certainly sounds like it was written for Tom.

  5. Through a son-in-laws eyes
    I have trouble expressing my emotions on how I feel, you have effected me in so many positive ways. Through all the years I've been around you there wasn't a time that you didn't offer a hand, fix something for someone, or just be there for support and never asked for anything in return.
    It is now our time to step up and take care of your wife and all the things that you have worked so hard for and that meant so much to you.
    I told you there was a time I was going to break up with your daughter but I couldn't do it cause I became such good friends with you and I didn't want to loose your friendship. I can tell you at this point it was the best decision I ever made, to become part of your family.
    It's one thing to get along with your in laws but I never thought that you would turn out to be one of my best friends.
    You will never be forgotten.

  6. Sharon,Our thoughts, prayers and love are with you and your family. Iam so sorry for your loss.Tom was a great man.
    Ted, Sandy & kids

  7. Sharon, We are so sorry for your loss. You are in our thoughts and prayers.
    Dave & Sharon
