Monday, December 13, 2010

Tom had his "lighter" treatment on Thursday.  He wasn't feeling great Thursday afternoon or Friday morning but started feeling better over the weekend.   We are very grateful that modern medicine has found a way to reduce the nausea that comes with Chemo treatments.  That said, there are still some nausea side effects along with numbness in the fingers and ringing in the ears.

If any of you notice the time on the Blog post, here I am at 1:30 AM updating the Blog.  Another of many sleepless nights that I suppose comes as a result of dealing with this disease.  The upside is that I'm updating the Blog, like I said I would.  The downside is obvious.

I was thinking about what to write on this weeks Blogs and a few things came to mind.  What I thought about a lot this week is "how do you protect the ones you love?"  I remember trying so hard to do this when our kids were young.  I would like to have been able to protect Tom from this disease.  What I've come to learn is that, as far as children go, the best protection is to teach them independence (by the way, I didn't excel at this with our children because I was overprotective as anyone who knows me knows).  I also know there are many things beyond our control.  What I do know is that we learn from our mistakes and do the best we can.   Sometimes that doesn't feel like enough but I do believe that if we do things with sincerity and the best intentions then we've done our best.

One of the other things I thought about this week is how brave Tom is and how much I admire his handling of the treatments he's endured for so many months.   He has been a real trooper and I would guess if I were in his place I would not handle things as well as he has been handling them.

On the last Blog I mentioned we bought a real Christmas tree.  We haven't had a real tree in some years so it's nice to see the real one.  However, it appears you have to cut the bottom of the tree before you put it in the stand.  The tree isn't "drinking" water and there is no fresh tree smell.  It actually surprises me that Tom didn't think of this because I think he knows everything.  So, for those of you looking forward to the fresh tree smell - the only way that is going to happen is if, on the particular day that you are here, I have "splashed" it with Balsam essential oils!!

Thank you for your comments on the last Blog.  As it turns out Jozie is feeling better from surgery.  She still gets tired and has a little pain now and then but is otherwise doing well.

Thank you all again for reading the Blog, sending your well wishes and continuing to check it.  Your support means everything to us and we are, and will always be, very appreciative.

1 comment:

  1. I to admire Tom’s courage to endure all this treatment and the fact that it all takes so long to accomplish!! I admire his patience as well. I didn’t realize how very tolerant he could be. I am so very very proud of him. Luv ya
