Friday, September 3, 2010

Yup. You're reading it. Another Blog.

Just wanted to let you know that Tom is doing well today. I was pretty sure if he had a good day yesterday he would have a bad day today. So far, so good.

I continue to pray each day that he will get better and be well (completely well) soon.

Thanks Jeanne for the Blog comment. The reality is that even when I teach him he probably won't be consistent about reading the Blog. I think partly because I don't think he particularly likes reading things about him.

In one of the previous Blogs I talked about the appreciation I have for those folks who keep the highways clean in winter, and those folks who work with their hands.

Today Kelly stopped to visit Tom. She hasn't had a chance to visit this week because she went back to work (she works at a school). With work, kids in school, kids activities, it makes it difficult to stop as often as she did during the Summer.

In any case, she told us how she stopped on her way over this morning to thank some guys who were cutting trees away from the power lines and to thank a policeman that she happened to see. Not only did she thank the loggers and the policeman but she paid for a stranger's coffee at Dunkin Donuts. All to "pay it forward" and be appreciative of those who provide a public service.

Here's the first thought was how proud I am of her that she took the time to do what she did. My next thought was, I wonder what the people she thanked thought and what about the person at Dunkins? What would you think if someone thanked you, out of the blue or paid for your coffee out of nowhere? Aren't people generally suspicious when they are thanked just for doing their jobs or if someone offers to buy their coffee (unless of course it's some sort of pick up line, which this clearly wasn't)? So here's something to ponder. Should people be suspicious? If more people did what Kelly did today would we be less cynical, more trusting? Wouldn't it be a better world in which to live? Would it really hurt us to be kinder, more appreciative?

Our neighbors stopped by the other day and brought us a goose (not living - ready to eat). I've never had goose but they gave us a good stew recipe and we'll certainly give it a try. Thank you.

If you have time, think about the questions above. Maybe you'll buy someone's coffee next time or thank someone for just doing their job.

Thank you all for continuing to read the Blog and for all of your well wishes. We are and will continue to be very grateful.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, thank you, thank you for not only deciding to have this blog to track tom’s progress but for being brave enough to really be vulnerable to express your deepest thoughts for all to experience along with you and Tom. I see it as incredible courage to share such intimate thoughts and moments while dealing with such an incredibly difficult life challenge. I know you both to be strong individuals and now see that your strength is in part due to the love you both have for each other and unfailing commitment to putting the other one first. Your marriage is one to be admired and serves as an example of what in part the wedding vows of “through better or for worse, through sickness and through health” means to everyone as you’ve had many, many wonderful times and some challenges and you’ve built a foundation of love, friendship, admiration and respect that has been even further strengthened through this. You inspire me to mirror this.

    Each of us deals differently when faced with a life challenge or crisis. I tend to share my thoughts, concerns and seek emotional support from those I love and trust during difficult times. Others may seem to withdraw in order to shelter themselves from the fear of the unknown or pain and work it through in their own way. I have learned to appreciate from reading your blog that while I have reacted in many ways outwardly such as crying, laughing and wanting to talk about my thoughts with Dennis and that having expectations of how he should react was unfair as my ways are not his ways and grew to recognize, appreciate and love him even more than before for his perspectives and strengths. I thought I wasn’t taking for granted relationships or special moments until after reading some of your blogs. They provoked thoughts of introspection and I quickly realized that there was much that I was taking for granted and not appreciating such as being able to reach out gently, brush my hand across Dennis’ arm while we are sitting together and the look of love and care we exchange or being able to hug my grown children with the feeling that they are still my babies. These moments are priceless and when everything else seems to be too difficult to bear, we should recall these moments, focus on them and bring our perspective back to where it belongs. That with the love of God, family and friends we can get through anything and that everything else is just background noise.

    Your words have helped me to grow as a partner, parent, friend and individual. I can’t imagine that anyone who has read this blog hasn’t been changed in some small way for the better. Thank you again and God bless.

    Tammy and Dennis
