Monday, December 27, 2010
Currently we have the schedule for January only. I'll keep you posted.
Thanks Jeanne and Carla for your comments on the last Blog. Isn't technology great that we can stay in touch by e-mail, by the Blog, and other computer programs?
We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. The best part of the holidays is being able to spend time with family. We did and we hope you all got to as well.
Guess we didn't have a white Christmas but sure made up for it.
Thanks to those of you who are staying out all night and keeping our roads clean.
This is a short post I just wanted to keep you updated on Tom's progress. Hopefully the next post will be a little longer.
Thanks so much for reading the Blog. We are very grateful for all of you.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Christmas is next Saturday and this is definitely the time of year for giving. It's also the time for spending time with friends and family. For me, spending time with friends and family is the best part of the holiday's.
Two of Tom's sisters stop by at least once a week to check on him. We are so appreciative of the time you both take out of your busy schedules to spend time with Tom. Thank you.
We've received some nice Christmas cards from some of the State folks. Thank you too.
When you go through something like Tom and I are dealing with that's when you really appreciate having friends and family. Especially because they stand by you, support you, and are there for you when you need them the most. You all know who you are. Thank you!!
In one of the past Blogs I mentioned how, at the church I attend, some folks bring in their coffee, people don't generally dress up, it's a pretty relaxed environment. Today we sang "Happy Birthday" to two of the church members. Times sure have changed.
Thanks so much to all of you for staying "connected" with us. We are very grateful!!
Monday, December 13, 2010
If any of you notice the time on the Blog post, here I am at 1:30 AM updating the Blog. Another of many sleepless nights that I suppose comes as a result of dealing with this disease. The upside is that I'm updating the Blog, like I said I would. The downside is obvious.
I was thinking about what to write on this weeks Blogs and a few things came to mind. What I thought about a lot this week is "how do you protect the ones you love?" I remember trying so hard to do this when our kids were young. I would like to have been able to protect Tom from this disease. What I've come to learn is that, as far as children go, the best protection is to teach them independence (by the way, I didn't excel at this with our children because I was overprotective as anyone who knows me knows). I also know there are many things beyond our control. What I do know is that we learn from our mistakes and do the best we can. Sometimes that doesn't feel like enough but I do believe that if we do things with sincerity and the best intentions then we've done our best.
One of the other things I thought about this week is how brave Tom is and how much I admire his handling of the treatments he's endured for so many months. He has been a real trooper and I would guess if I were in his place I would not handle things as well as he has been handling them.
On the last Blog I mentioned we bought a real Christmas tree. We haven't had a real tree in some years so it's nice to see the real one. However, it appears you have to cut the bottom of the tree before you put it in the stand. The tree isn't "drinking" water and there is no fresh tree smell. It actually surprises me that Tom didn't think of this because I think he knows everything. So, for those of you looking forward to the fresh tree smell - the only way that is going to happen is if, on the particular day that you are here, I have "splashed" it with Balsam essential oils!!
Thank you for your comments on the last Blog. As it turns out Jozie is feeling better from surgery. She still gets tired and has a little pain now and then but is otherwise doing well.
Thank you all again for reading the Blog, sending your well wishes and continuing to check it. Your support means everything to us and we are, and will always be, very appreciative.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Things were a little better for Tom this round. The doctor changed the treatment and he received a lot of anti-nausea medicine prior to treatment. He's not feeling great but significantly better than the last time.
He has another treatment this coming Thursday so we'll see how that one goes.
Our granddaughter was taken to the emergency room this past week with severe abdominal pain. As it turned out she had appendicitis and had her appendix removed. While I'm sure we all appreciate the emergency room, our daughter and Jozie arrived at the hospital around 10 am. By the time I got there after work around 6 pm Jozie had not even had a CT scan. I have yet to understand why everything takes so long there. In any case, the surgery went well, she had to stay an extra night but is at home now and doing well.
I wasn't going to set up a Christmas tree this year with everything going on. I changed my mind and decided to decorate with at least a tree. We bought a real tree this year. We haven't had a real tree in years but I thought it might be nice for a change and it is.
I started going back to church about a month ago and no, this is not a lesson on whether or not you should attend church services. Our town church is a small community church. After I arrived at church today I looked around at the people in attendance noting their blue jeans, sneakers, parkas, and even their Dunkin Donuts coffee. Yes, in church. I realized what a sense of community the weekly service is and how times have changed. Guess it goes to show, it doesn't matter who you are, what you wear, or even if you bring your coffee to church.
Thanks Kel and Carla for your comments on the last Blog. I appreciate all the comments you folks reading put on the Blog. Carla, I'm glad that Kelly keeps in touch with the boys too. It's unfortunate that we didn't spend more time together when the kids were growing up.
I think we get so busy in our lives that time slips away before we realize it's gone. We are aware of that now more than ever. I've said this in other Blogs but I'll say it again. Appreciate your family and friends. Tell them so. Spend time with them.
Thank you all for reading the Blog and keeping in touch. Your time and effort is very much appreciated.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Tom has had a couple of weeks off from treatment, which is really good, because these treatments have taken their toll on him. He's just beginning to feel better and on Thursday he starts in again.
The Oncologist is changing the type of Chemo he'll be getting on Thursday due to the pretty severe reactions he's had the last few times he's received treatment.
My sister, her husband, and our kids and grand kids joined us for Thanksgiving on Thursday. I was so happy to have them join us. It brought some sort of normalcy to our house that we haven't seen in a while.
That, said I am so grateful for everything we do have, including a wonderful family and great friends.
With Thanksgiving over and Christmas just around the corner I was thinking about the holidays and what they mean to me.
I do very limited Christmas shopping since we buy primarily for the grandkids only. Years ago we used to exchange gifts with all family members. After I watched my kids put their gifts in drawers, never to be seen again, until we disposed of them I decided we would no longer exchange gifts. The holidays, to me, are about spending time with family, not exchanging gifts. Isn't that what Christmas should be about?
The most precious gifts we ever received were things our kids made for us when they were in school. I wonder what happened to those times of making, rather than buying gifts. Of exchanging just one gift, with all the love and thought that went in to either making or buying it, rather than counting how many gifts are under the tree.
Any of you who know me know that I spoil my grandkids. I know the psychological reasons for that are because we grew up with nothing and I remember that terrible feeling of being embarrassed because we had less than everyone else (or at least that was our perception). As I get older, I consider how those days shaped the person I am today. Is it so bad to help our kids to know the true meaning of Christmas? To help them to know that even if they don't get "the thing they had to have" the world would not come to an end, assuming they would even remember a week later. Is it so bad to have adults know that too?
I know, at least for me, I want nothing for Christmas this year except to get a good report on Tom's health. To know that the treatments are working and that he will get better.
Thank you Carla for your comment on the last Blog. It's nice to keep in touch, even if it's only through the Blog.
Jeanne will be taking Tom to his treatment this week as I have to be away for work. I don't think I need to tell anyone, reading this Blog, how stressful it is not to be there when he is having treatment. That said, I'm thankful and grateful that Jeanne has stepped in to help.
In one of the previous Blog posts I indicated that I would work on informing those of you reading the Blog where the best deals were for organic foods. I'm still working on it. I'm saving all of my receipts to do some comparisons. To let you know, I bought an organic red pepper yesterday that was almost $4. My hope is that I can provide you with some information that will assist you in purchasing organic products, if you choose to do that, that won't cost you an arm and a leg (like the pepper, watermelon and various other purchases I have made).
My sister e-mailed me a link with lots of good information. Once you open the link, there are additional links to organic food coupons, how to make home made cleaners and a variety of other information. If you're interested, click on the link.
We've been doing this for six months now. Thank you for hanging in there with us, reading the Blog, and staying in touch.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Today is our 40th anniversary. Forty years and it seems like it was yesterday! Those of you who know Tom well, know that he would make some smart remark if he heard me say that but I know he wouldn't change a thing. Nor would I. I could not have been luckier or more blessed to find Tom some 40 years ago. He is the best husband and father anyone could ask for.
In the last couple of Blogs I talked about looking at your life, where you're going and where you want to be. One of our friends sent me the following e-mail today. I would like to share parts of the e-mail with you...
"I had just finished reading a book by Dr.Ira Byock "THE FOUR THINGS THAT MATTER MOST...A Book About Living". The "four things" (the saying of them) are:
Thursday, November 11, 2010
With certain Chemo treatments some of the side effects are ear ringing and numbness in the fingers. Tom also has both of these side effects. He did not have them with the Chemo he had this summer but the doses he's currently getting are so much stronger that I guess that's causing the side effects.
As Tom's wife, the hardest thing I have ever had to do is to watch him go through this and know that I can't do anything to change it. If I could, I would.
We received another card this week from some of the ladies in the Morton Building. Thank you so much. You continue to send cards and keep us in your thoughts and we are very grateful. By the way, not just any card but a hand made card!!
The Belmont crew stopped this week too. Tom appreciates that you all take the time to stop and visit. Thank you!!
In the last Blog I thanked those who supported me in the Lungevity walk that I did last week to benefit Lung Cancer. I received another very generous donation from a work mate today. Thank you Chris, your generosity is very much appreciated.
I could not complete this Blog post without sincerely thanking those State workers who again contributed their earned time to Tom. Tom was given additional earned time so he can continue to receive the treatments he needs. There are not enough thank you's that could ever tell you how much we appreciate what you've done. You are such a wonderful group and we thank you!
We're approaching Thanksgiving in a couple of weeks. It's a time to reflect on what we have to be thankful for. I would encourage you to give this some thought. All too often we take for granted what we have. Think about the possibility of having Thanksgiving with someone you haven't seen in a while. Think about giving a can of food to the food bank. Think about just spending time with friends and family.
Thank you all for reading the Blog, for visiting, for sending cards, e-mails, calling and just being there.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
The Lung Cancer walk for Lungevity, Inc. was Saturday. Our group raised almost $900. Thanks so much to all of you who walked. You not only gave money but you gave your time. Thanks to those who contributed, your contributions are very much appreciated. A special thanks to my sister who made up the difference so we could make our team goal. I wouldn't know what to do without her! As it turned out, we exceeded our goal.
1,477 people participated in the walk and in total raised approximately $200,000, which also exceeded the Lungevity planners goal. It is my hope to start something in NH next year.
There is a mis-conception that Lung cancer effects only those who smoke. I hope that none of you reading the Blog believes that, but if you do, please do some research. You will find those are not the facts. Remember, lung cancer impacts 1 in 14 people.
Thanks to all of you for your comments on the last Blog. Your support is invaluable and it means everything. It's sad that there are those in life who, for whatever their reasons, make the type of comments I addressed in the last Blog. My guess is they don't have folks like you in their corner, even sadder for them.
For those of you who don't read the comments posted on each Blog Kerry included some websites on the last Blog for locally grown meats and foods. I checked the eat wild site and have contacted a woman in Meredith who raises her own grass fed beef. She sells her beef by the pound and she sells shares of beef that she is raising. I'm not sure how the shares work but I have contacted her by e-mail and will let you know when she responds. Her site is www.ladyfarmer.com if you're interested in checking it out.
There is another site that might interest you, it is www.localharvest.org where you can also find local produce.
If any of you eat Stonyfield yogurt you may have already seen it but their yogurt label says "The Presidents Cancer Panel recommends reducing cancer risk by choosing foods produced without pesticides, chemical fertilizers, antibiotics and growth hormones." Be careful in choosing the foods you consume. Nothing will ever change if we, as consumers, don't make different choices.
Here is something to think about. Today, at church, the minister said "you don't know how much you really have until you are deprived of it". Those words are so true. Think about how much you have. Think about your family, friends, the roof over your head. Don't take things for granted.
Thank you again for reading the Blog. Thank you for your support. Thank you for being you!!!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
I write this Blog with a little disappointment and a little sadness. Someone told me the other day that "Tom knew the dangers of smoking yet he continued to do it anyway. He should have known better." I know that I'm an idealist but it saddens me to think that people can think that way and worse yet voice those comments to me. Am I to assume that Tom deserves this?
My sister suggested that as one of my Blog projects I consider listing some of the places where organic foods could be purchased. I go to some very specific places but to do justice to the Blog and you before I list anything I will take the time to take some notes comparing prices, selection, and geographic location in hopes to provide you with some useful information regarding organic food choices and other organic items, the ease of finding them, and price differences.
Thanks again for reading the Blog and being here. I know I say this all the time but it really means everything. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
A long time ago I read this question "If something were to happen to you tomorrow, would you be happy with the life you lived?" I ask myself this question every so often because I think it's a good one. Ask yourselves this question.
If there is something you should change, change it. If there is something you should do, do it. Sure, there may be some planning involved but make a plan, get it done.
Regarding work, I have always felt that if you have a job that you hate, if you get up every morning and hate the thought of going to work - if you dread walking through those office doors, or going to wherever it is you go - change it. Life is too short to be unhappy every day. That said, this economy isn't exactly ripe for job searches but keep your eyes open, get an education take the steps to help yourself. It doesn't have to happen tomorrow but nothing will ever change if you don't take steps to change it.
For me to answer this question I would have to say I've made some mistakes in my life that I wished I never made and given a second chance would not make again. If we learn from our mistakes they make us stronger. If we don't learn from them they are wasted. As for the rest of my life I feel I am incredibly blessed. I could not have asked for a better husband or children, including the grandchildren. Tom and I are blessed with wonderful family and friends.
I hope you can answer the question the same way.
I checked the Lungevity site. Congratulations Jeanne on the contribution. Good job.
If you read the prior Blogs you know we are walking to benefit lung cancer on Saturday. If any of you can, or want to contribute please refer to the October 19 post for the link. If you have trouble accessing the link please e-mail or call.
Thank you again for reading the Blog. I feel like we are all extended family and I am so glad you're all there.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I thought treatments would be so much easier. Not so much. Tom is pretty tired, which is consistent with the Chemo treatments. His appetite isn't as good as it's been recently or as bad as it was during the aggressive treatments so I guess that's a good thing. I'm not sure why I thought this would be easier given what Chemo does to ones system.
Thanks for your comments on the last Blog Kel, Jeanne, Kristi and Kerry. Comments are always so appreciated. And Kerry, you're right, at least about the chicken soup. He still eats eggs but my guess is when he gets better chicken soup will be off the menu!
November is Lung Cancer Awareness month.
I have some statistics on lung cancer to share with you -
Over 60% of new lung cancer cases are never smokers or former smokers
One in five women and one in twelve men diagnosed with lung cancer have never smoked
Only 16% of lung cancer is diagnosed at it's early stages
Generally lung cancer is found when looking for something else.
Lung cancer continues to be the least funded of any of the cancers which is surprising given the statistics above.
When we think about how far breast cancer research has come it seems the same could be done for lung cancer. It also seems that there could be some type of pre-screening. Wouldn't that be nice? Lung cancer could then be found in the early stages rather than finding it when looking for something else.
I know, I was quite surprised after reading the above statistics since I think most people think of lung cancer as the smokers disease and I guess I did too.
We're in treatment now, the chairs are all full. How cancer effects so many. How far treatments have come although we have a way to go.
I have started a team - "The Lungest Yard" - for a 5k walk in Boston on November 6th to benefit lung cancer. Kelly, Jo, Tami, Ben and Amanda will be walking with me. If any of you, reading the Blog, would like to join the team and walk with us we would be privileged to have you. The link to register is below. It is $25 for adults and $10 for children. If you choose to join the team please let me know and we can make plans to go together, or meet there.
It's not often that I solicit contributions, but for obvious reasons, finding a cure for lung cancer is important to our family. If you feel you can, or want to contribute please use the link below to do so.
Please let me know if you can't access the link and I'll have Kelly help me with it. Once you access the site you can register to join the team or you can access the team (under the registration section) to donate to a team member, if you choose.
I thank you every time I post the Blog. I'll continue to thank you every time. Thank you so much for reading the Blog and keeping informed as to what is going on. We appreciate the time you give to us by reading the Blog, responding, and being there. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Friday, October 15, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Monday, October 11, 2010
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Friday, September 3, 2010
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Tom seems to be feeling better each day. Now that I've said that let's hope tomorrow isn't a bad day.
He is still having a hard time eating but his diet choices have increased a bit - eggs, chicken noodle soup, spaghettios (organic - they aren't as acidic), jello with whipped cream, and a soft serve ice cream cone daily (great for him, me, not so much). The soft serve ice cream doesn't seem to bother him like real ice cream does. Being on my organic kick that and the jello are the two things he's eating that aren't organic. Let's hope the soft serve isn't full of chemicals.
I'm updating the Blog for a few reasons. I want to thank Kelly, Jeanne and Andrew for responding to the Blog. Thanks Kelly for recognizing the "little people" - I use those words lightly because I have never, in my lifetime, felt there were those superior and those little people. Nor do Kelly and Tami. Everyone should be judged on their own character and not what they do for a living.
Thank you Jeanne for the nice things you said about Tom. I haven't read them to him yet but I know he'll be touched.
Andrew, what can I say. Your words made me cry. I know Tom will be touched as well. Thank you so much for the kind words and continued offers to help. Believe me, if we need something we'll call. I'm sure you know us well enough to know it's hard for us to ask for help but we will if we need it. Thank you again.
I keep saying I will read the Blog to Tom, not because he can't read, but because he's not really a computer guru and although I tried to teach him I don't think he knows how to get to the Blog.
Tom and I received two really nice cards today from friends of ours. One was thanking me for the Blog and wishing us continued strength. The other was letting us know they are thinking about us and we are in their thoughts and prayers. What was interesting about the cards is that the one sent to me was from the husband of the couple and the one sent to Tom was from the wife. They both had very nice messages and we thank you for them. We also thank you for the unique way in which you sent them. Very cool.
I also received an e-mail from our sister-in-law, while I won't list the whole e-mail following are some pieces from it:
To realize
The value of a sister/brother
Ask someone
Who doesn't have one
To realize
The value of four years
Ask a graduate
To realize
The value of one-second
Ask a person
Who has survived an accident
To realize
The value of one minute
Ask a person
Who has missed the train, bus or plane
Time waits for no one
Treasure every moment you have
You will treasure it even more when
You can share it with someone special
There was more to the e-mail but I thought I would share those few parts. I don't believe truer words were ever spoken.
I've said it before, and here it goes again, take the time with your loved ones. If you don't spend it now, you can never get it back. Remember, time waits for no one, not even you.
Our ever loyal friend Jeff stopped again this weekend, like he has every weekend since he found out about Tom's disease. How nice is it to have friends like that?
Jeanne stopped in again today to check in. Thanks Jeanne.
Thanks Donna for the call checking in.
I know I don't thank Kelly and Tami in the Blog but they are the best. They check in all the time on their Dad. We are very lucky and very blessed to have the children (and grandchildren) that we have. We love you.
Thanks again to all of you reading the Blog and staying in this with us. We are very appreciative. When I said above, how nice is it to have friends like that, how blessed are we to have all of you?
It looks like I'll be updating the Blog more often. I hope you'll be reading.
Thank you, for everything!!